
Opening Online Conference to the Project ClimaUrbanKošice

The City of Košice jointly with its project partner, the city district Košice – Západ /Košice – West/, organised the opening online conference on the project: „Mesto Košice reaguje na zmenu klímy – spoločne dosiahneme viac“ / „The City of Košice Reacts to Climate Change – Together We Can Achieve More“ (ClimaUrbanKošice). The aim of the conference was to provide information about the project, its goals, expected results and outputs.

The course of the conference

Online konferencia sa konala dňa 14. júla 2021 prostredníctvom online komunikačnej platformy Microsoft TThe opening online conference held on July 14, 2021 through the Microsoft Teams online communication platform lasted for 2 hours, and altogether 22 participants attended it. The introductory speech on behalf of the City of Košice was delivered by the Deputy Mayor, Mgr. Marcel Gibóda. Subsequently the presentation of the program SK-Climate followed, presented by Ing. Denis Knotko, the Director of the Department of Control of Technical Support Projects and National Cooperation Programs from the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic. After his presentation, the Head of the Local Council of the city district Košice – West, the leader of the project Partner 1, Mgr. Marcel Vrchota, took the floor. The speeches were followed by the presentation of the project in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. Ms. Mari Eike Nilsen was the representative of the Project Partner 2 for the City of Oslo. At the end of the conference there was some time reserved for discussion.